West 29th Restauraunt https://west29th.com/ Casual Dining in Wheat Ridge near Sloan's Lake Wed, 03 Mar 2021 03:51:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://west29th.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/West29th_icon.png West 29th Restauraunt https://west29th.com/ 32 32 214928501 WHAT OUR TEAM IS DOING TO PREPARE AND SERVE YOUR FOOD SAFELY: https://west29th.com/what-our-team-is-doing-to-prepare-and-serve-your-food-safely/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=what-our-team-is-doing-to-prepare-and-serve-your-food-safely Wed, 03 Mar 2021 03:32:42 +0000 https://west29th.com/?p=2016 While we have always followed the strictest cleaning and sanitization guidelines, we’ve added some extra precautions this past year.  Both...

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While we have always followed the strictest cleaning and sanitization guidelines, we’ve added some extra precautions this past year.  Both our Manager and Executive Chef have completed the Food Protection Manager Certification by American National Standards Institute and are certified by the State of Colorado.  Our servers hold certificates in food and beverage safety and are encouraged to take further certified courses in food protection.

Temperature Checks

Every day upon arrival, staff members have their temperature checked.  Each member of the staff is also required to have a Wellness Check-in with their Manager before starting work.  Temperatures are logged and kept on record.   Any health issues are logged, and employees with symptoms of illness are sent home.  Symptoms of certain infectious diseases are reported to the Jefferson County Health Department, and infected employees are not allowed back to work until cleared by Doctor.

Physical Distance

Our team maintains proper distance from each other throughout the shift, and we will keep our physical distance from you, too.  We still offer curbside take-out, if you are not yet comfortable dining-in.


Our team is required to wear masks at all times while on shift and in the restaurant, and must wear gloves when touching any item that will be delivered to a customer.  Gloves are changed regularly.  Implements such as tongs are used when garnishing drinks and dishes.  Customers are required to be masked upon entry until being seated, and any time they leave their seats.

Sanitization Captain

On every shift, there is a team member that serves as the Sanitization Captain. They are responsible for sanitizing all areas of the restaurant, including tables, chairs, door handles, faucets, and more.  Rest Rooms are checked regularly and logged in our Manager Records.

Frequent Handwashing

Handwashing is mandatory and will be completed by team members frequently throughout each shift.  Gloves are changed regularly,

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at info@west29th.com

We have been granted a Five Star Certification by the State of Colorado and follow their guidelines.   To learn more about this program, click here.

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New Winter Hours https://west29th.com/new-winter-hours/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=new-winter-hours Sat, 14 Nov 2020 01:36:52 +0000 https://west29th.com/?p=1991 Starting on Tuesday, November 17th, we will be open the following hours for dinner service:Closed MondaysTuesday-Thursday 4:00PM-8:15PMFriday – Saturday 4:00PM-9:15PMSunday...

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Starting on Tuesday, November 17th, we will be open the following hours for dinner service:
Closed Mondays
Tuesday-Thursday 4:00PM-8:15PM
Friday – Saturday 4:00PM-9:15PM
Sunday 12:00PM-6:15PM

We are at 25% Capacity, due to COVID-19 Restrictions.
Please call (303) 233-3377 to make reservations. Please include children in the headcount.
You must wear a mask to enter and move around the restaurant, no exceptions.
If you do not have a mask, we will supply one for you.

If you are not feeling well, or experiencing cold symptoms, please call us for curbside take out, and join us inside when you are feeling better.
Please help us protect you, our customers and our staff.

We look forward to serving you!

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COVID-19 https://west29th.com/covid-19/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=covid-19 Wed, 15 Jul 2020 22:06:28 +0000 https://west29th.com/?p=1982 West 29th Restaurant & Bar have remained open for take-out service during the pandemic, and have recently re-opened for dine-in...

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West 29th Restaurant & Bar have remained open for take-out service during the pandemic, and have recently re-opened for dine-in service on our two patios and indoors, all at half capacity, following CDC and JeffCo Public Health standards.

We have put half of our furniture in storage, and maintain 6-9 feet of space between tables. As such, we advise making reservations in advance, to avoid disappointment. We have an hour and forty-five limit per party. Sorry, only tables of four are allowed on the patio, to maintain the required social distancing minimum of six feet. Please include any children in your party head count. Thank you.

We are taking every precaution to protect the health of everyone who walks through our doors: We sanitize all surfaces regularly, and all implements, check presenters, menus, tables and chairs after each use. Our servers are masked and gloved, and wash hands regularly. Our Executive Team are Certified Food Protection Managers by The State of Colorado and American National Standards Institute (ANSI). Many of our servers are also certified in Food Protection. Every employee has their temperature taken and logged upon arrival. We follow a rigorous cleaning schedule for restrooms and public spaces.

Coming soon – touchless menus via QR Code. Stay tuned!

We require masks to enter the restaurant and bar. If you do not have a mask upon arrival, we will supply one for you.
If you refuse to wear a mask, you are welcome to choose another restaurant to dine in.
Please protect our staff and customers and comply with Jefferson County, City of Wheat Ridge and our policy.
It is not political – it’s common sense.

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